Place ・ ContinentAlana

Felixland : History

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Length: 1330 (+1330) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix. He was a powerful phoenix that ruled with an iron grip. Now old and barely fit to govern, he is nothing more than a figure for the people. The islands around Felixland are mainly governed by pirates or their descendents. As much as the islands are part of Felixland, the prime-minister has no power over them.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix. He was a powerful phoenix that ruled with an iron grip. Now old and barely fit to govern, he is nothing more than a figure for the people. The islands around Felixland are mainly governed by pirates or their descendents. As much as the islands are part of Felixland, the prime-minister has no power over them.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null}},"title":"Felixland","is_visible":"1","summary":"Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null,"parent_id":"1"}
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