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Length: 151 (+151) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"The Almost War","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<p>Fanteles are tiny mouse sized elephant hybrids that were bred as tiny companions and \"destressers\". Adult fantele grow up to 15 cm tall. Found in most forested regions of the world, the fantele consumes bad energy through its trunk and then gives off a comforting aura, proving them to be excellent companions to nearly almost everybody.<\/p>","names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Fanteles are tiny mouse sized elephant hybrids that were bred as tiny companions and \"destressers\". Adult fantele grow up to 15 cm tall. Found in most forested regions of the world, the fantele consumes bad energy through its trunk and then gives off a comforting aura, proving them to be excellent companions to nearly almost everybody.<\/p>","names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null}},"title":"Fanteles","is_visible":"1","summary":"Fanteles are tiny mouse sized elephant hybrids that were bred as tiny companions and \"destressers\".","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Utility Tags Changed (m)
Length: 13556 (-3) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Vampires are people infected with a blood-borne parasite.<\/p>","names":"Bloodsuckers, vampyrs, leeches, parasites","type":"Disease\/parasite","Habitat":"Gathering of humans or alanians","Height":"Same as humans","Lifespan":"Immortals","Forms":"Human and feral","Diet":"Blood, omnivorous","Language":"Telepathic, Alanian","Subspecies":"Several","appearence":"<p><img style=\"font-size: 12.8px; float: right;\" src=\"http:\/\/lore.fanteles.com\/images\/pages\/0\/3_3_GTdlwUEsg9pY1Mr.png\" alt=\"Feral form\" width=\"154\" height=\"154\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>There&rsquo;s barely any physical difference between vampires and humans. The biggest difference is in the vampire&rsquo;s canines, which are longer and sharper. Fun&nbsp;<span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">fact: if t<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">he human<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">&nbsp;doesn&rsquo;t have canines before the transformation, the canines will sprout, and it can be a very painful experience.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">Some vampires may experience a change of eye color, usually to red, orange, or purple. There&rsquo;s little information on why this happens, and some theories blame demon-related<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">&nbsp;genes for such change. Almost any species can become a vampire, as long as it&rsquo;s alive.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>Most vampires have some sort of animal form. They vary a lot, from wolves to bats to dragons. In general, the animals are winged, even if they normally aren&rsquo;t (i.e. winged wolves, winged foxes, winged pangolins). Most have dark-colored patterns, but it&rsquo;s not unheard of to have bright colored patterns.<\/p>","origin":"<p>Obviously, they are the reason for the vampire myth. As for their origin, some believe a deity (the perpetrator changes a lot according to who tells the story) created vampires to antagonize loups de lune, defying Luna, the goddess of the moon and creator of loups de lune. Some deny any creation, and claim vampires are just a byproduct of evolution, the perfect symbiosis between human and microorganism.<\/p>\r\n<p>To create a vampire, one must enter in contact with copious amounts of infected blood, from someone who is already a vampire. The most common way of infection is by ingesting a chalice of vampire&rsquo;s blood. There&rsquo;s many rituals on how to do it, many involving exchange of blood. However, the only thing truly needed is for the wannabe vampire to drink infected blood, or at least have the infected blood to enter in contact with mucous or open wounds. The parasite is not sexually transmitted, needing more than small cuts and wounds from the vampire to infect its host.<\/p>","history":"<p>Since the beginning, vampires flock together in covens or clans. In general, a vampire is considered responsible for the vampires they have created, at least until they have acclimated to the new life. Turning someone in a vampire and abandoning them before they have learned how to hunt without hurting his victims, is very frowned upon, and in some places with rigid regulations for covens, it will result in punishment. Turning someone against their will may also be punished by death in some places.<\/p>\r\n<p>A registered clan needs to have a leader, and it&rsquo;s normally decided by seniority or a democratic election. Most clans have as their leader the vampire who founded it, until their death. Some clans may work as families, growing as the family grows. However, most clans are ones of opportunity. As bigger clans have more influence, many clans will form as political alliances. Smaller clans usually are a result of small families wanting to not take part in political games, or rifts caused by now opposing political views.<\/p>\r\n<p>Clans are urged to register as to avoid issues with hunting territories. Unregistered cans have no say in territory claims. Territorial disputes are resolved by the voting of each clan leader, with the biggest clans&rsquo; votes having more weight. Votes are regularly traded by political favors.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most vampires like to live in densely populated cities, as it makes it easier to find blood. More traditional vampires would lure their victims and take the amount they need, without killing them. Nowadays is considered impolite to not ask for permission to take blood, and it&rsquo;s easy to find blood donation centers specialized in vampires.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<h4 class=\"mb-1\" style=\"color: #212529;\"><img style=\"font-size: 1.35rem; float: right;\" src=\"http:\/\/lore.fanteles.com\/images\/pages\/0\/4_5_ShUfuTxtZ5S3AoF.png\" alt=\"Microscopic parasite\" width=\"142\" height=\"142\" \/><\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Those can change from vampire to vampire. Usually, one vampire will have only some of those powers, and some can even have other abilities not listed there.<\/li>\r\n<li>Shapeshifting (usually to only one other form)<\/li>\r\n<li>Telepathic communication<\/li>\r\n<li>Immortality<\/li>\r\n<li>Unusual strength and agility<\/li>\r\n<li>Accelerated regeneration<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>Vampirism is considered either a parasitic or symbiotic relationship. The microorganism that infects vampires needs blood to survive, making its host crave&nbsp;for blood. In compensation, it gives the host many desirable abilities. Yet, as there&rsquo;s no cure for vampirism, it&rsquo;s medically considered a disease caused by a microscopic parasite.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Vampires may still be killed by severe wounds to vital organs. Wounds that would be life-threatening to humans, may not kill a vampire, as they usually have a fast regeneration power. Garlic, crosses, and other things commonly associated with killing vampires do not work. Stacks to the heart have a high chance of killing vampires, as well as most other creatures.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Loups de Lune and Werewolves&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<p>Vampires seem to prefer loups de lune&rsquo;s blood, which caused in history many deaths of loups. Vampires are as old, if not older, than loups, and have been incorporate in their myths. There&rsquo;s still much hostility between the two species. No hybrids would be accepted by neither species.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Vampires need to feed on blood at least once a week, or they suffer extreme hunger.<\/li>\r\n<li>The vampires&rsquo; body still need normal food to survive, they can&rsquo;t survive only on blood.<\/li>\r\n<li>Telepathic powers are quite common on vampires, but it&rsquo;s rare to be able to do much more than read someone&rsquo;s mood.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Vampires are people infected with a blood-borne parasite.<\/p>","names":"Bloodsuckers, vampyrs, leeches, parasites","type":"Disease\/parasite","Habitat":"Gathering of humans or alanians","Height":"Same as humans","Lifespan":"Immortals","Forms":"Human and feral","Diet":"Blood, omnivorous","Language":"Telepathic, Alanian","Subspecies":"Several","appearence":"<p><img style=\"font-size: 12.8px; float: right;\" src=\"http:\/\/lore.fanteles.com\/images\/pages\/0\/3_3_GTdlwUEsg9pY1Mr.png\" alt=\"Feral form\" width=\"154\" height=\"154\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>There&rsquo;s barely any physical difference between vampires and humans. The biggest difference is in the vampire&rsquo;s canines, which are longer and sharper. Fun&nbsp;<span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">fact: if t<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">he human<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">&nbsp;doesn&rsquo;t have canines before the transformation, the canines will sprout, and it can be a very painful experience.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">Some vampires may experience a change of eye color, usually to red, orange, or purple. There&rsquo;s little information on why this happens, and some theories blame demon-related<\/span><span style=\"font-size: 12.8px;\">&nbsp;genes for such change. Almost any species can become a vampire, as long as it&rsquo;s alive.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>Most vampires have some sort of animal form. They vary a lot, from wolves to bats to dragons. In general, the animals are winged, even if they normally aren&rsquo;t (i.e. winged wolves, winged foxes, winged pangolins). Most have dark-colored patterns, but it&rsquo;s not unheard of to have bright colored patterns.<\/p>","origin":"<p>Obviously, they are the reason for the vampire myth. As for their origin, some believe a deity (the perpetrator changes a lot according to who tells the story) created vampires to antagonize loups de lune, defying Luna, the goddess of the moon and creator of loups de lune. Some deny any creation, and claim vampires are just a byproduct of evolution, the perfect symbiosis between human and microorganism.<\/p>\r\n<p>To create a vampire, one must enter in contact with copious amounts of infected blood, from someone who is already a vampire. The most common way of infection is by ingesting a chalice of vampire&rsquo;s blood. There&rsquo;s many rituals on how to do it, many involving exchange of blood. However, the only thing truly needed is for the wannabe vampire to drink infected blood, or at least have the infected blood to enter in contact with mucous or open wounds. The parasite is not sexually transmitted, needing more than small cuts and wounds from the vampire to infect its host.<\/p>","history":"<p>Since the beginning, vampires flock together in covens or clans. In general, a vampire is considered responsible for the vampires they have created, at least until they have acclimated to the new life. Turning someone in a vampire and abandoning them before they have learned how to hunt without hurting his victims, is very frowned upon, and in some places with rigid regulations for covens, it will result in punishment. Turning someone against their will may also be punished by death in some places.<\/p>\r\n<p>A registered clan needs to have a leader, and it&rsquo;s normally decided by seniority or a democratic election. Most clans have as their leader the vampire who founded it, until their death. Some clans may work as families, growing as the family grows. However, most clans are ones of opportunity. As bigger clans have more influence, many clans will form as political alliances. Smaller clans usually are a result of small families wanting to not take part in political games, or rifts caused by now opposing political views.<\/p>\r\n<p>Clans are urged to register as to avoid issues with hunting territories. Unregistered cans have no say in territory claims. Territorial disputes are resolved by the voting of each clan leader, with the biggest clans&rsquo; votes having more weight. Votes are regularly traded by political favors.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most vampires like to live in densely populated cities, as it makes it easier to find blood. More traditional vampires would lure their victims and take the amount they need, without killing them. Nowadays is considered impolite to not ask for permission to take blood, and it&rsquo;s easy to find blood donation centers specialized in vampires.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<h4 class=\"mb-1\" style=\"color: #212529;\"><img style=\"font-size: 1.35rem; float: right;\" src=\"http:\/\/lore.fanteles.com\/images\/pages\/0\/4_5_ShUfuTxtZ5S3AoF.png\" alt=\"Microscopic parasite\" width=\"142\" height=\"142\" \/><\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Those can change from vampire to vampire. Usually, one vampire will have only some of those powers, and some can even have other abilities not listed there.<\/li>\r\n<li>Shapeshifting (usually to only one other form)<\/li>\r\n<li>Telepathic communication<\/li>\r\n<li>Immortality<\/li>\r\n<li>Unusual strength and agility<\/li>\r\n<li>Accelerated regeneration<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>Vampirism is considered either a parasitic or symbiotic relationship. The microorganism that infects vampires needs blood to survive, making its host crave&nbsp;for blood. In compensation, it gives the host many desirable abilities. Yet, as there&rsquo;s no cure for vampirism, it&rsquo;s medically considered a disease caused by a microscopic parasite.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Vampires may still be killed by severe wounds to vital organs. Wounds that would be life-threatening to humans, may not kill a vampire, as they usually have a fast regeneration power. Garlic, crosses, and other things commonly associated with killing vampires do not work. Stacks to the heart have a high chance of killing vampires, as well as most other creatures.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Loups de Lune and Werewolves&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<p>Vampires seem to prefer loups de lune&rsquo;s blood, which caused in history many deaths of loups. Vampires are as old, if not older, than loups, and have been incorporate in their myths. There&rsquo;s still much hostility between the two species. No hybrids would be accepted by neither species.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Vampires need to feed on blood at least once a week, or they suffer extreme hunger.<\/li>\r\n<li>The vampires&rsquo; body still need normal food to survive, they can&rsquo;t survive only on blood.<\/li>\r\n<li>Telepathic powers are quite common on vampires, but it&rsquo;s rare to be able to do much more than read someone&rsquo;s mood.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"}},"title":"Vampires","is_visible":"1","summary":"Vampires are people infected with a blood-borne parasite.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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Length: 189 (+189) -
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Length: 344 (-8) -
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Length: 264 (+264) -
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Length: 619 (+619) -
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Length: 625 (+625) -
{"data":{"description":null,"names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null}},"title":"Shadow People","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
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Length: 619 (+619) -
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Length: 629 (+629) -
{"data":{"description":null,"names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"names":null,"type":null,"Habitat":null,"Height":null,"Lifespan":null,"Forms":null,"Diet":null,"Language":null,"Subspecies":null,"appearence":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"biology":null,"weaknesses":null,"loups":null,"trivia":null}},"title":"Angels and Demons","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
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Length: 1330 (+1330) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix. He was a powerful phoenix that ruled with an iron grip. Now old and barely fit to govern, he is nothing more than a figure for the people. The islands around Felixland are mainly governed by pirates or their descendents. As much as the islands are part of Felixland, the prime-minister has no power over them.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix. He was a powerful phoenix that ruled with an iron grip. Now old and barely fit to govern, he is nothing more than a figure for the people. The islands around Felixland are mainly governed by pirates or their descendents. As much as the islands are part of Felixland, the prime-minister has no power over them.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null}},"title":"Felixland","is_visible":"1","summary":"Felixland was named after the person that discovered this land: king Felix.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null,"parent_id":"1"}
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Length: 959 (+959) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Five Domains has this name for the five countries it has: Sould Island, Air Islands, Water Colonies, Fire Kingdom and Earth Queendom. Each country is ruled by a monarch.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Five Domains has this name for the five countries it has: Sould Island, Air Islands, Water Colonies, Fire Kingdom and Earth Queendom. Each country is ruled by a monarch.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null}},"title":"Five Domains","is_visible":"1","summary":"Five Domains has this name for the five countries it has: Sould Island, Air Islands, Water Colonies, Fire Kingdom and Earth Queendom.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null,"parent_id":"1"}
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Length: 6687 (+6687) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Humans with diverse features that aren't part of any other species.<\/p>","names":"Anomalies, mutations, cursed","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"Human","Lifespan":"Up to 150 years","Forms":"Human","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"None","appearence":"<p>Jalarians usually don&rsquo;t differ much from usual humans. This classification includes a wide array of different presentations. Being a jalarian includes having one or more characteristics of any other species without actually being part of this other species. This can present as, but not limited to, having telepathy, membrane wings, scales, or horns.<\/p>\r\n<p>They used to be called Mutations or Anomalies, as it was believed that a mutation on some genes caused this variability. Now, even if it isn&rsquo;t very well elucidated, it is known that this variability isn&rsquo;t caused by point mutations, instead it is caused by recessive genes from other species that had children with humans. The characteristic doesn&rsquo;t need to come from one of the parents, it could come from many generations before.<\/p>","origin":"<p>As long as humans have interacted with other species, jalarians were present. As it is very common for a jalarian to be born after many generations of pure humans, often they were taken as proof of infidelity. Nowadays people know it&rsquo;s not true, but some may still refer to jalarians in such a pejorative way.<\/p>\r\n<p>The name comes from an old legend, about how Jalara betrayed her siblings, the ones that founded the Five Domains. Jalara allegedly killed thousands of beings and was sent to exile, to a place that now is called Soul Island. It was a name used in a pejorative way, but that stuck. In recent years, with the discovery that Jalara was framed by her siblings and was in fact innocent, the term Jalarian is used proudly.<\/p>","history":"<p>Jalarians were historically considered second-class citizens. Nowadays they have all the same rights as any other species, as well as specific legislations, in many countries, to protect them against any prejudice.<\/p>\r\n<p>Cities born from a gathering of Jalarians, outcasted from their origin cities, are somewhat common. Nowadays that only means a higher amount of Jalarians at those cities, with other species being present as well. Sometimes, those cities may be wary of foreigners.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Variable<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be a jalarian is to be born as one. It seems hereditary, by an undefined number of recessive genes.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Jalarians can be killed by anything a human can.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Vampires&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Jalarians can become vampires, and they seem to make the most powerful vampires. Their jalarian powers only add to their vampire powers. Vampire jalarians are very respected and feared.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>The term mutation and anomaly are considered slurs, and deeply pejorative.<\/li>\r\n<li>Oftenly Jalarians have an animal form alongside their powers.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Humans with diverse features that aren't part of any other species.<\/p>","names":"Anomalies, mutations, cursed","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"Human","Lifespan":"Up to 150 years","Forms":"Human","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"None","appearence":"<p>Jalarians usually don&rsquo;t differ much from usual humans. This classification includes a wide array of different presentations. Being a jalarian includes having one or more characteristics of any other species without actually being part of this other species. This can present as, but not limited to, having telepathy, membrane wings, scales, or horns.<\/p>\r\n<p>They used to be called Mutations or Anomalies, as it was believed that a mutation on some genes caused this variability. Now, even if it isn&rsquo;t very well elucidated, it is known that this variability isn&rsquo;t caused by point mutations, instead it is caused by recessive genes from other species that had children with humans. The characteristic doesn&rsquo;t need to come from one of the parents, it could come from many generations before.<\/p>","origin":"<p>As long as humans have interacted with other species, jalarians were present. As it is very common for a jalarian to be born after many generations of pure humans, often they were taken as proof of infidelity. Nowadays people know it&rsquo;s not true, but some may still refer to jalarians in such a pejorative way.<\/p>\r\n<p>The name comes from an old legend, about how Jalara betrayed her siblings, the ones that founded the Five Domains. Jalara allegedly killed thousands of beings and was sent to exile, to a place that now is called Soul Island. It was a name used in a pejorative way, but that stuck. In recent years, with the discovery that Jalara was framed by her siblings and was in fact innocent, the term Jalarian is used proudly.<\/p>","history":"<p>Jalarians were historically considered second-class citizens. Nowadays they have all the same rights as any other species, as well as specific legislations, in many countries, to protect them against any prejudice.<\/p>\r\n<p>Cities born from a gathering of Jalarians, outcasted from their origin cities, are somewhat common. Nowadays that only means a higher amount of Jalarians at those cities, with other species being present as well. Sometimes, those cities may be wary of foreigners.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Variable<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be a jalarian is to be born as one. It seems hereditary, by an undefined number of recessive genes.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Jalarians can be killed by anything a human can.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Vampires&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Jalarians can become vampires, and they seem to make the most powerful vampires. Their jalarian powers only add to their vampire powers. Vampire jalarians are very respected and feared.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>The term mutation and anomaly are considered slurs, and deeply pejorative.<\/li>\r\n<li>Oftenly Jalarians have an animal form alongside their powers.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"}},"title":"Jalarians","is_visible":"1","summary":"Humans with diverse features that aren't part of any other species.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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Length: 964 (+964) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Jadesper is the biggest continent in Alana. This continent is divided in zones, with different political regimes in each.&nbsp; The zones hardly overlap, and most have a magical source maintaining the zone&rsquo;s biome.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Jadesper is the biggest continent in Alana. This continent is divided in zones, with different political regimes in each.&nbsp; The zones hardly overlap, and most have a magical source maintaining the zone&rsquo;s biome.<\/p>","names":null,"adjective":null,"Prehistory":null,"origin":null,"history":null,"Modernity":null,"alarya":null,"birdie":null,"asteroids":null,"cultural":null}},"title":"Jadesper","is_visible":"1","summary":"Jadesper is the biggest continent in Alana.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null,"parent_id":"1"}
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Length: 4721 (+4721) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Alanians are humans capable of channeling their magic on an animal form.<\/p>","names":"Witches, wizards, magicians, warlocks","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"Human","Lifespan":"Up to 150 years","Forms":"Human and feral","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"None","appearence":"<p>Alanians are like any humans, not changing on appearance.<\/p>\r\n<p>In animal form, they can be any kind of animal, even a mix of different animals, in any possible color, including unnatural ones. It&rsquo;s very rare for an Alanian to be able to choose or change their animal form, being even rarer to be able to have more than one animal form. Some say it&rsquo;s possible to change your animal form if you have changed drastically enough, but there&rsquo;s no proof of that.<\/p>","origin":"<p>It&rsquo;s said that the first species created by Alarya (in some places called Alana) were Alanians. Usual humans, that aren&rsquo;t Alanians, are considered to have lost this power. Alanians are more common than usual humans.<\/p>","history":"<p>Alanians, like usual humans and faeries, usually get well with any other species, welcoming them to their cities. It&rsquo;s hard to see a settlement with only alanians. Rather than have a history and society of their own, they have incorporated themselves in other species' and place&rsquo;s history and society.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Animal form<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be an alanian is to be born as one. It seems to be hereditary, including the animal form. It&rsquo;s common for the same animal form run in a family.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Alanians can be killed by anything a human can.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Jalarians&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Alanians and Jalarians don&rsquo;t seem so different, with some people arguing that they have the same origin. Some may call Alanians the socially acceptable version of Jalarians.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>In the five kingdoms, all leaders are alanians, as it&rsquo;s one of the requisites to be able to assume as king or queen.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Alanians are humans capable of channeling their magic on an animal form.<\/p>","names":"Witches, wizards, magicians, warlocks","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"Human","Lifespan":"Up to 150 years","Forms":"Human and feral","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"None","appearence":"<p>Alanians are like any humans, not changing on appearance.<\/p>\r\n<p>In animal form, they can be any kind of animal, even a mix of different animals, in any possible color, including unnatural ones. It&rsquo;s very rare for an Alanian to be able to choose or change their animal form, being even rarer to be able to have more than one animal form. Some say it&rsquo;s possible to change your animal form if you have changed drastically enough, but there&rsquo;s no proof of that.<\/p>","origin":"<p>It&rsquo;s said that the first species created by Alarya (in some places called Alana) were Alanians. Usual humans, that aren&rsquo;t Alanians, are considered to have lost this power. Alanians are more common than usual humans.<\/p>","history":"<p>Alanians, like usual humans and faeries, usually get well with any other species, welcoming them to their cities. It&rsquo;s hard to see a settlement with only alanians. Rather than have a history and society of their own, they have incorporated themselves in other species' and place&rsquo;s history and society.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Animal form<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be an alanian is to be born as one. It seems to be hereditary, including the animal form. It&rsquo;s common for the same animal form run in a family.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Alanians can be killed by anything a human can.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Jalarians&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Alanians and Jalarians don&rsquo;t seem so different, with some people arguing that they have the same origin. Some may call Alanians the socially acceptable version of Jalarians.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>In the five kingdoms, all leaders are alanians, as it&rsquo;s one of the requisites to be able to assume as king or queen.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"}},"title":"Alanians","is_visible":"1","summary":"Alanians are humans capable of channeling their magic on an animal form.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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Length: 455 (+455) -
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Length: 9028 (+9028) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Fairies are short people with pixel wings.<\/p>","names":"Pixies","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"46cm - 96cm","Lifespan":"Up to 400 years","Forms":"Human and fairy","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"Hybrids","appearence":"<p>In human form, they barely differ from usual humans. They tend to be short and slender. Most tend to have unusual colored hair and eyes. Some are incapable of hiding their translucent wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>In their natural form, they resemble any kind of critter, be it real animals or a mix of animals. The only limitation is that they are very small (between 66cm and 96cm), and always have two pair of wings, in all kind of shapes and colors. Their magic generally has the same color as their wings.<\/p>","origin":"<p>Their origins aren&rsquo;t very clear, myth and truth too deeply glued to separate. Some say the faeries were born by mixing magic and seeds, making so that instead of sprouting trees, they sprouted tiny fairies. A popular variant says air magic was used to plant those seeds on clouds, and that&rsquo;s what gave fairies their wings. In other versions, a god or goddess (who varies from tale to tale) fell enamored to a tree, giving it a human body, and their child turned into fairies.<\/p>\r\n<p>In any version, there seems to be a strong bond between fairies and plants. Faeries tend to make their cities using plants and earth magic, as well as having an easier time learning earth magic.<\/p>","history":"<p>Fairies usually get well with any other species, welcoming them to their cities. It&rsquo;s hard to see a settlement with only fairies. Faeries are so close to other species that hybrids are extremely common. Rather than have a history and society of their own, they have incorporated themselves in other species' history and society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even though there are many harmful stereotypes of fairy people stealing babies or trading their babies for ones of other species, none of them are true. It&rsquo;s very common for fairy heritage only appearing many generations after the fairy parent, causing a baby to have fairy wings with parents that don&rsquo;t know about their fairy heritage. This caused many accusations of fairies swapping babies.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<p>Those rarely change from fairy to fairy.<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Shapeshifting (fairy and human)<\/li>\r\n<li>Flight<\/li>\r\n<li>Longer lifespan<\/li>\r\n<li>Unusual agility<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be a fairy is to be born as one. Fairy heritage can be present as different characteristics, like a small pointy nose, slender figure, and short stature. However, the person will only be considered a fairy if they have fairy wings, and\/or is capable to shapeshift into a fairy-like creature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Fairies seem to have a higher AFAB (assigned female at birth) born rate. Some theories say that estrogen is linked to the appearance of fairy characteristics, with many transwomans discovering their fairy heritage after taking estrogen.<\/p>\r\n<p>Someone can discover to be a fairy at any age, being more common to happen when hitting puberty. When both parents are fairies, it&rsquo;s common for the baby already to be born a fairy. However, there are reports of cases where fairy characteristics only appeared after the person's 40&rsquo;s.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Anything that kills a human can probably kill a fairy as well. Except for poisons, as fairies seem to have good resistance to almost all natural poisons. Fairies are especially fragile in their fairy form.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Vampires&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Vampire fairies are very rare. They seem to prefer fairy blood, which makes taboo for a fairy to chose to be a vampire. Vampire fairies usually have all abilities that fairies and vampires have.<\/p>\r\n<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Other Species&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Hybrids of any other species are very common. Their abilities only are added to the other species&rsquo; abilities.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Fairies bodies consume a lot of calories, that&rsquo;s the reason why they usually have a slender figure.<\/li>\r\n<li>Iron does not affect them.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Fairies are short people with pixel wings.<\/p>","names":"Pixies","type":"Hereditary","Habitat":"Cosmopolitan","Height":"46cm - 96cm","Lifespan":"Up to 400 years","Forms":"Human and fairy","Diet":"Omnivorous","Language":"Alanian","Subspecies":"Hybrids","appearence":"<p>In human form, they barely differ from usual humans. They tend to be short and slender. Most tend to have unusual colored hair and eyes. Some are incapable of hiding their translucent wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>In their natural form, they resemble any kind of critter, be it real animals or a mix of animals. The only limitation is that they are very small (between 66cm and 96cm), and always have two pair of wings, in all kind of shapes and colors. Their magic generally has the same color as their wings.<\/p>","origin":"<p>Their origins aren&rsquo;t very clear, myth and truth too deeply glued to separate. Some say the faeries were born by mixing magic and seeds, making so that instead of sprouting trees, they sprouted tiny fairies. A popular variant says air magic was used to plant those seeds on clouds, and that&rsquo;s what gave fairies their wings. In other versions, a god or goddess (who varies from tale to tale) fell enamored to a tree, giving it a human body, and their child turned into fairies.<\/p>\r\n<p>In any version, there seems to be a strong bond between fairies and plants. Faeries tend to make their cities using plants and earth magic, as well as having an easier time learning earth magic.<\/p>","history":"<p>Fairies usually get well with any other species, welcoming them to their cities. It&rsquo;s hard to see a settlement with only fairies. Faeries are so close to other species that hybrids are extremely common. Rather than have a history and society of their own, they have incorporated themselves in other species' history and society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even though there are many harmful stereotypes of fairy people stealing babies or trading their babies for ones of other species, none of them are true. It&rsquo;s very common for fairy heritage only appearing many generations after the fairy parent, causing a baby to have fairy wings with parents that don&rsquo;t know about their fairy heritage. This caused many accusations of fairies swapping babies.<\/p>","biology":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Unique Abilities&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<p>Those rarely change from fairy to fairy.<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Shapeshifting (fairy and human)<\/li>\r\n<li>Flight<\/li>\r\n<li>Longer lifespan<\/li>\r\n<li>Unusual agility<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>The only way to be a fairy is to be born as one. Fairy heritage can be present as different characteristics, like a small pointy nose, slender figure, and short stature. However, the person will only be considered a fairy if they have fairy wings, and\/or is capable to shapeshift into a fairy-like creature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Fairies seem to have a higher AFAB (assigned female at birth) born rate. Some theories say that estrogen is linked to the appearance of fairy characteristics, with many transwomans discovering their fairy heritage after taking estrogen.<\/p>\r\n<p>Someone can discover to be a fairy at any age, being more common to happen when hitting puberty. When both parents are fairies, it&rsquo;s common for the baby already to be born a fairy. However, there are reports of cases where fairy characteristics only appeared after the person's 40&rsquo;s.<\/p>","weaknesses":"<p>Anything that kills a human can probably kill a fairy as well. Except for poisons, as fairies seem to have good resistance to almost all natural poisons. Fairies are especially fragile in their fairy form.<\/p>","loups":"<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Vampires&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Vampire fairies are very rare. They seem to prefer fairy blood, which makes taboo for a fairy to chose to be a vampire. Vampire fairies usually have all abilities that fairies and vampires have.<\/p>\r\n<h4 class=\"mb-1\">Other Species&nbsp;<\/h4>\r\n<div class=\"row mb-1\">\r\n<div class=\"col-md-5\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Hybrids of any other species are very common. Their abilities only are added to the other species&rsquo; abilities.<\/p>","trivia":"<ul class=\"pl-4\">\r\n<li>Fairies bodies consume a lot of calories, that&rsquo;s the reason why they usually have a slender figure.<\/li>\r\n<li>Iron does not affect them.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"}},"title":"Fairies","is_visible":"1","summary":"Fairies are short people with pixel wings.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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